Dan SnyderComment

My Dependency on Love and Understanding

Dan SnyderComment

What a day. 5:30 a.m. and out the door with my friend and neighbor for a 15 mile hike. I needed to shake off a week of radiation and of course the chemo. I did it and was a happy man. Being happy now takes a bit of work, maybe as it always has but happiness seems  strangely important now and not be taken for granted. Yeh before I had cancer so much was taken for granted. The chemo and radiation of course bring their own cards to the table. I can be very difficult and that is putting it mildly , and that’s before this thing called cancer came rolling into town. Man if it weren’t for my wife Kristina and the support of friends to not only keep me in line but love and understand the man inside, well then folks, it’d be ugly. I’m rattlin on now, exhausted but happy for every bit of that love and understanding.