
“4 seasons in a day” is a saying here and we are finding the truth in that.
After a 3 hour ride to Concord N.H. , then a 2 hour bus ride to Beantown, and a 4 hour flight to Ponta Delgada Azores, a view of the Atlantic on our way to Mosteiros. Totally worth the jog ; )
A view from our farm house porch towards Mosteiros
Storm has come and we’re inside .
Ponta Delgada
Caloura: The cove where the fishermen arrive with the catch of the day.
Grilled “Limpets” with a cold glass of Vinho Verde, Ah…….
The town of Furnas where Terra Nostra thermal baths and the botanical garden are.
Brother James at the entrance to the Botanical Gardens; the thermal mineral bath was the best ! The perfect temperature.
Sunset at the house and a fab meal of local fare.
The island of Sao Miguel. We are staying on the small peninsula just slightly above the two crater lakes on the left side.
Sete Cidades. Well, it’s a bit crazy here. Every where you turn, it’s sustained beauty. Just Google Sete Cidades, the lake of two teardrops. The entire island actually is poetic
Back on home turf ( Mosteiros ), I spent a few hours walking around and shooting. This is what I saw.
Last night on the way to Rabeira Grande; in town the local kids drum core were rockin !!
On the way home we went to Termas Ferrarria where the Atlantic meets a thermal hot spring. Ropes keep you from crashing against the rocks or… being swept out to sea ! Tomorrow we’ll give it a go and then head into the spa for a day of treatment. Termas de Ferraria is a place where the Atlantic meets a hot thermal spring.
Yesterday had some internet problems ( posting today ) so here we are approaching the town of Ferraria on our way to Termas Ferraria where the Atlantic meets a hot thermal spring and where the spa is as well. Today we shall venture to the spa and I will attempt going into the ocean pool.
Yesterday when I lost wifi at our farmhouse, went into Mosteiros to a little Ma and Pa cafe to have a glass of Vinho Verde and use the wifi there.
On my way into Ferraria; arrived at 11 and had the entire outdoor hot spring pool to my lonesome. Decided I’d have to wait for low tide, I want to live a bit longer ; )
The Azores , driving is not for the faint of heart ( probably why I fit in so well, read Reckless Son ). Hairpin curves, cows and tractors in the road as well as dogs who feel they own the road, all driving done as if you’re IN the Grand Prix. Forgot to add the 200 foot cliffs adjacent to those hairpin’s.
Yee Haw !!!
Last night a solo dinner at Mariserra in Sao Roque, a parish just outside Ponta Delgada . Suggested by my new friend Casey Hartnet who lives on the island of Flores here in the Azores.
Check out her Non Profit on Facebook, great work ! And don’t forget to like it.
The dinner at Mariserra was grilled Octopus with a side of parsley, croutons, white beans and garlic.
I’m on my way up ( no not in a plane ) to Logoa do Fogo, Fire lake; a crater 2km created by a volcanic eruption in 1563.
The drive up was the most breathtaking and hair raising I have ever done. The wind must have been 30 mph and about 40 degrees, and even though it was cloudy the view was magnifico !
Unfortunately for this little guy, he was left on this road, in the middle of no where.
Entering Caldeira Velha, which now has to be one of my all time favorite places. Close to Logoa do Fogo. it’s basically like a jungle with hot springs; one of which has a waterfall that I went in and had a fantastic experience.
This place was the reason I believe I came to the Azores.
Ok we are at Tasca. A great place! Seared Tuna with sesame seed, wild boar, fresh cheese with almonds and wild flower honey, fava beans, and chicken gizzards and a bottle of 2014 Costello D'Alba
20 -30 year old Port blend, honey cake from a local small apiary and a great espresso
Tasca: The best restaurant so far in San Miguel
Today was the perfect Azores day.
Mosteiros was rainy and overcast , not promising at all.
So I decided to take a road trip on my last day here on the island and head up to Nordeste.
This is on the Northeast coast and reportedly has the oldest light house in the Azores and
terrifyingly high cliffs.
Passing Ponta Delgado heading east along the coastline the sun was blazing as I past a sign for Villa Franca. The difference in temperature and sunlight was like day and night.
Villa Franca swallowed me up and there I stayed, the entire day, inspired, basking in the very warm sun.
Photography , not unlike music , is very soulful. It comes from what the individual sees,
It truly is a portal into the person shooting.
There is much discussion about technique ( way too much in my opinion ), because like music,
honesty transcends technique in every way.
So images speak of what the camera holder sees.
Recently a friend asked, “ why don’t you extol more on the virtues of the island in text? “
Well, that’s for guide books and people with no imagination .
Let these images take you, and explain whatever you need.
Here is Villa Franca and Ribeira das Tainhas on the southern shore of Sao Miguel.
I will always be drawn to marinas and fishing ports.
It transports me to the place I love.
This island has a crater lake in the middle that you can hire a boat to take you to and swim all day
Self explanatory ; - )
At the end of my day I just had to go one more time to Tasca.
Tuna carpaccio…mmmmmmm
Adios Casa Padeira and Mosteiros !
I’m now off on my journey to Boston and Dana Farber.
Wish me luck ; )