Hurry up and wait...
I could say it was a bust. Went Thursday to Bringham and Women’s for my first radiation treatment, but no… needed to calibrate once again the “ machine “.
Yet as I sauntered in feeling full of myself and ready for action, I glanced down at a little boy who was maybe 5, staring up at Kristina. He was so beautiful and pure, and he had cancer.
Again when we arrived at the waiting room a father who couldn’t have been more than 18 lovingly caressed his infant child, who had cancer.
These scenes are ones that are not only humbling but so touching.
Scenes I see much differently now that I have joined “ The Tribe “.
Friday was cancelled. What else left to do ? Go to a tapas bar and eat great Spanish food a have a bottle of wine, which I won’t do again for a long time.