In Praise of a man I hardly knew, did not understand, yet loved
In Praise of a man I hardly knew, did not understand, yet loved
My father Joseph “ Bello “ Snyder was born in 1912 to a family of 9 children. Raised in the Jewish Italian neighborhood called the Baden Street Settlement in Rochester New York.. It was the immigrant ghetto and a tough place. For white poor immigrants it was the precursor for what was to come. The only way out was to either work hard and be very very lucky, turn to crime or as my dad did , turn to professional sports. He became a pro basketball player for the ABA in his twenties, which ironically was dominated by Jews and Italians . My dad by that time was also 85% deaf, talk about obstacles. I am finding out more each day that people of that era and especially from poor immigrant backgrounds, didn’t discus much of their younger life. It left a huge blank for their children. Until recently I had no idea that he had 8 other siblings. Growing up we rarely got together with anyone on my father’s side of the family.
My dad at the young age of 28 opened the first Jewish children’s camp ( that I’m aware of ) in the Adirondack’s in 1940. The thought of opening a Jewish children camp in the Adirondack’s at the beginning of world war two seems like an ill fated idea, but he made it work and was very successful at it for nearly 50 years. Our relationship was always strained until I was out of the house and on my own which was about when I was 15. I was not interested in sports, just music and girls. The children’s camp, “ Camp Eagle Cove “ had changed so many lives and to this day generations speak of “Uncle Bello” and how much camp meant to them. Many met their future spouses there. It is amazing to hear so many speak of my dad in such a loving and intimate way. When I was a kid I resented it because they knew him better than I.
Now I appreciate the impact he had and am proud of that man. Now I can separate the man from the father I didn’t know. Influences though can be subliminal and my dad had a very powerful work ethic and even though it was not directed towards me, empathy, and these traits had an enormous influence on me.
I reach for them now that they are needed the most. Cancer has done that to me, reaching in the well for positive resources. Cancer is hard work and takes a strong work ethic, and empathy? Hell you sure need a lot of that.
My Dad bello Snyder on right with his friend Barney Ross Welterweight world boxing champion
My Dad as a pro Basketball player for the Newark Elks.