Dan SnyderComment

Spiritual Healing

Dan SnyderComment

( Intermezzo )

Prostate cancer is so much more than treatment and survival. It’s about relationships, hope and fear.
Sex and intimacy of course come into it as well. I haven’t spoken about the last 2  because I am lucky enough to be with a partner that intimacy is always there, and sex is a natural flow even when it’s been interrupted by the chemo. That’s my experience, I know for many men it is much more difficult. Men unfortunately do not like talking about such things, but I believe it’s a healthy way to approach it. Intimacy anyone can have, cancer does not take that away. It does affect sex, but what is sex without intimacy?
Cancer puts a lot in focus, you see life more linear and that’s a gift that cancer gives. For me it actually gave some order and cause and effect have more weight now. Intimacy plays an important role in all this because
it’s a step that leads to better relationships and yes…. better sex.
I am now counting down the days to November 8 when I have more lab tests and see my Oncologist. This marks the 6 months I’ve been on Chemo, so I’m a bit anxious to get it over with. Now that’s hope. I hope my numbers are in the right zone so I can move on to the next step, but I know too much about this cancer thing.
The one thing you can’t do is put all your eggs in one basket, because cancer can be the boulevard of broken dreams, it doesn’t have to be. Yeh… tell that to me in 2 months. Hope has new meanings and new interpretations each day when you have cancer, so I try to live each day as it is and that my friends is where intimacy plays a key role. To have someone you can talk with and let it out. To be true and be able to share what’s going on inside is paramount to being alive, and yes even if you’re dying. As we all are headed for our
mortal departure I would like to believe that life does not wind down but one’s spirit moves forward to heal all the wounds of the past.