Red wine and Radiation
As i am always on a quest for a better quality of life, sometimes the past will lead me to a better future. My love of great food, great wine, and of course great friends had always, well almost always… created a great evening.
Back in the 1980′s living in NYC, playing in my band “ Danny and the Bleeders” as well as “Range War”, Kristina and I experienced many stimulating dinners in our apartment on Elizabeth street hosting a diverse crew of friends. Artists.musicians, and downtown misfits would congregate at our place eating, drinking and lively conversations would bring us into the wee hours. Wine was our gasoline that fueled the evening. These experiences I must say were heavily influenced by our having dinners at my close friends Paul “ Mr. thing “ and Patou McGovern. Patou was and I’m sure still is a great chef, and her forte ? Cous Cous. That started it all. Dinners would take hours to finish and would always be dominated by four opinionated and funny people. That’s when the lower east side was known as Loisada. No se No, Darinka, and CBGB’s were our stomping grounds. Where is this leading ? Well … Red wine of course.
Now that I have stage 3 prostate cancer and undergoing radiation and hormone therapy my diet and certainly my outlook have changed somewhat. I feel healthier than I’ve been in a long time but still finding a balance to it all, well it’s like tuning my guitar. Now I can not drink like I used to, and that’s by choice. Yet…. Recently as I was Googling for excuses, OMG !!! Studies show that red wine actually helps in fighting cancer as well as helping during radiation ! Well splitting a bottle as I discovered the other night was a very bad idea. Last night I had two glasses and that didn’t turn out too well either. So I’m down to trying one glass . One glass of red could be the balance I’m looking for. I’ll sip slow, and allow each sip to remind me of a glorious past with great friends, and ponder a wonderful future of great food and close friends and the occasional misfit.
Miles and Coltrane joined my therapy today .