Dan SnyderComment

Synchronicity in Real Time

Dan SnyderComment

Every Wednesday I meet with my radiologist Dr. Paul Nguyen after treatment to discuss weekly scans etc. This week being my last , we had a lot to discuss. I told him of my fundraising plan ( ADK Hike For Hope ) and how Dana Farber is very excited to join in. We knew we wanted to have it go to educating cancer patients about the benefits of exercise, diet and acupuncture but didn’t have a target as of yet. He then told us HE was looking for funding to do a study on the benefits of exercise curbing side effects of radiation treatment ! HELLO ! This is what we were looking for. Now I have the  tricky job of connecting his study to diet and acupuncture, which I’m confident I can do. Wow…happening at a fast rate, but feels good to give something back, something I believe in. Our goal is to raise $10,000 through my hike, which will cover half the cost of the study. Studies like this are crucial for getting that slow machine of science moving. They need data and data is what it’s all about. To me it’s a no brainer, but I understand the world moves in, a strange way.
More to come, sooner than later.